May 1, 2008

gender swap

this is a modern interpretation of "The Letter" by Jan Vermeer. The subject is being presented with a love note.

isolate & repeat


this is an example of an experience that i had in which i completely exaggerated the actual events.

April 10, 2008

self portrait

this is me...

this is me if i were asian anime.. pretty significant change. i'm not a fan of anime so i think i might have some hatred towards myself if i were.

April 3, 2008


this is a sort of exploration of expansion. i attempted to describe my desire [to expand] with a more abstract description.

February 21, 2008


i am disappointed by this triptych. it describes the uniformity of the catholic church that i experienced, that surprise that a marriage has the option to fail, and my dependency on travel. it's blaand.

still life

so we did a still life, and this is it.